Managed Print Services
You are spending money on print. Why not manage your spend for maximum savings?
What are Managed Print Services?
MPS simply seeks to create strategies that help companies to manage their printed output costs. We typically are able to reduce costs by as much as 20%.
Computer generated printing, copying and faxing is a significant expense in most businesses, as much as 1-3% of total company revenues when fully accounted for. But most businesses fail to completely account for this cost center, it is “hidden” within the income statement, in the IT budget, capital budgets and expense categories. It is not visible and out of the control of management.
Can you answer these questions?
- How many pages does your organization print every month, day, quarter?
- How much does it cost every time someone clicks print?
- What is your ongoing strategy to control these costs?
- When new equipment is requested, how do you decide whether and what to purchase?
- What percentage of your budget is devoted to print?
1 Step One: Assess your situation
Answers to your questions in 45 days…
Our goal in an Assessment is to first determine the answers to the questions listed above. We seek to understand the volume of printing occurring in your organization and how it is “spread” among the users.
One of our keys is our state of the art software tool, called the Data Collector Agent (DCA) that is installed on your network to help us to measure your printed output as well as other key features of your print environment; supply levels, parts usage and service issues. Click for Technical Requirements on our DCA, for Network and System Requirements, and for Safety and Security of the tool.
The first thing we do when we begin an assessment is to load the DCA and begin to measure your print volumes per device. We intend to gain a snapshot of your “typical” month of printing. We also ask to gather additional cost information from you so that we may determine your fully loaded cost of print.
Our cost model is comprehensive and will calculate the true costs of printing in your organization.
2 Step Two: Agree on what your true costs are
Once we complete the initial 30 day period of data gathering through our Data Collector Agent and complete our cost model, about a 45 day period, we are ready to meet with you to discuss our findings. We will show you how we model the hard data and what assumptions, if any, we made.
Our goal is to conclude this meeting in agreement as to what your total costs, costs per page and cost per device are.
3 Step Three: Propose a solution
Once we agree on costs, we have a basis upon which to make a proposal. Based upon your needs and desires we will make a proposal if mutually agreed after the cost consensus meeting.
Our solutions typically include:
- Ongoing monitoring of print devices
- Supplies for devices included
- Service on equipment included
- Inventory control program
- Strategies for future equipment decisions
- “Right-sizing” of print fleet
- Full reporting capabilities regarding print and costs
4 Step Four: Implementation
Our creative solution will be implemented upon a mutually determined schedule.